Sunday, July 5, 2009

New phase of life..

You go to an amusement park which has this huge roller coaster ride, which you have to take to go out of the park. You see others going through it, screaming, throwing up, some laughing, some sitting all tensed through out but you have no choice but to take it.Thats pregnancy for you! A huge roller coaster ride.. 9 months of exhilarating joy, little tension, little pain, lot of fat,big belly, lots of food and yeah some throwing up too!There is no other joy compared to the first glimpse of the baby on the scan monitor, a 9 cm little one with tiny hands, legs and a heart that beats at 140bpm!
The baby bump that keeps growing assuring you that the lil one inside you is doing all fine. The first baby kick followed by more kicks which will always bring a smile to your face and make you look beautiful!
9 more weeks to go for me to get promoted to MOM! yayyyyyyyy


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jyotsna :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jo,
Congratulations and Best wishes.