Monday, October 3, 2011

Turning thirty...

The frequency of "Oh my god.. I am such a stupid" and "Gosh I look so yuck in all the snaps" has increased these days. Birthdays are no longer fun , in fact dreadful. Is it the nearing thirty effect? They say its the best of life till 30 and after that its just the donkey life. Keep working hard and more harder.
How nearing thirty has affected me big time:
1) I have started using anti ageing creams
2) I spot more and more grey hairs
3) Full day of work leaves me exhausted
4) Skipping the regular exercise makes me feel stiffer and guilty.
5) I can no longer sleep till noon.(How much I miss my sleeping marathon days.. the weekends just vanished between eating maggi and sleeping)
6) I keep looking at my tummy bulge and silently wish that it disappeared on its own.
7) I am so used to being called Aunty
8) I cannot study continuously for more than 2 hours. Concentration levels have dipped to lowest levels possible.
9) I shop only dark shade clothes and tops that camouflage the shapeless me.
10)Mood swings.. smallest of things can put me off and someone said babies help improving your patience levels. Darn!

I would love to believe in the concept that age is just a number and you are as young as you feel at heart! But, kinda tough with the symptoms mentioned above. You are forced to believe that you ARE getting older. I miss being the carefree spirit I was, with nothing to bother about, on the spur plans, anytime shopping, movies, eating out and carried even the out of bed look with panache. It's gone.. all gone now. The donkey life has begun!

A small wish : I want to travel back in time and become my daddy's little princess again and get pampered silly. Can I take Akshara along?

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