Thursday, September 11, 2014

In pursuit of peace

This ones in an attempt to bring out the growing disgust n restlessness within me and to stay in peace.

Am glad that there are certain things in this world which are beyond man's capacity to interfere. and at some point everyone succumbs to think, it was destiny and something's are destined to happen the way they do. Man has no choice but to accept and move on. The only choice he got is how sooner he can accept it and how happy he can be with it.

One thing which am glad, works in a pristine way with zero control of man over it, is the way gender of the baby is decided within the womb.

I keep hearing this atleast twice a day from different people I talk to .. "Are you wishing it's a boy this time?", "I wish you have a boy".. "You are curious who it is coz it was a girl the first time". Am sick and tired of telling people , "am only wishing for a healthy child" which is what it is and I kind of get their undergoing smirk, "yeah we know we know. "

Really? Do you know? Do you really know what really makes or breaks your life? It's the health of the child, the way baby forms as a whole and gender is just one part of whole. God forbid, one physical disability in the child and you end up in dumps. The gender then doesn't even matter. No one cares. Am surprised when people around tag the miracle that's happening inside to such insignificant things.  Grow up people, really.

I have seen my close friend experiencing and facing life, with a child who is blind by birth. It's a genetic defect and currently the cure is still in research. Our heart goes out to the child and the child's mom is our inspiration, for her sheer determination and positivity. There is not a single day, when we don't pray for the child. There are several other kids with disabilities around, but since we have seen this child from birth till now in close quarters, we feel the parents pain.

It's a miracle, a child from an atom to baby to birth. Mother plays a pivotal role and feels the miracle happening inside. Every jerk, every bump, every movement causes a fear within, hope my baby is safe. There is this constant thought process going on within the would be mom, is my baby growing fine enough, what else can I do to have a healthy baby. It is stressful. To be creating something within you, and the struggle to create it perfectly.

I have chosen to ignore, to not to react, to the gender based comments but it is getting increasingly tough to do that on a daily basis. I have to let it out. It's especially difficult when it comes from the first circle of family. It also makes me painfully aware of the fact that me being the second girl child in the family, wasn't welcomed (if not warmly). I have lived with that failure of expectations all my life through my pet name. My sister who is 1.4 years elder to me, who might have just started to talk when I was born, christened me with my pet name. She at that tender age was convinced that she had a baby brother and not a sister coz that probably what she was told all the while my mom was pregnant with me. I suddenly started hating my name.

All this is only making me resolve even strongly, that am not going to let anyone ruin my moment after my second child's birth. I'm sure there will be people around me who will be utterly disappointed if it's a girl baby, and delighted if its a boy, but I will not let that affect me. I will not let others poor judgement of happiness wash away my joy. Not now, certainly not then.

Am I feeling better? Yes, the baby kicked too :)

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