Sunday, March 29, 2009

Money hai tho dosa hai!

Long weekend just went by.. literally just went by without we doing much. Saturday evening, we decided it was just too much to be at home from thursday night and it was time we went out and saw what world was doing over the weekend. We went to a near by mall, and landed up at my husbands favorite book store. He got instantly lost in his science fiction and physics books and I was on my own. Books and me dont really go well together so I started watching people around me, all engrossed in some book or the other and most of them with glasses! Not a very eyeful watch... My eyes wanted more!! :) And then I thought I was hungry( May be it was just boredom, but eveything ends up in me feeling hungry). I went to my husband and asked if he was, and got a very "How can you be hungry already.. we just had lunch" kind of cheap look from him! May be it was also added with " you always try to pull me out of this store " look also. So I decided it was better to be nice to him, take money from him and go to the eat out place all alone. I asked him money and he was about to generously give me a hundred ruppee note when my dumb mind started working and I said " They might not have change, gimme just 30 bucks, I just want to eat a frankie". (Frankie in our ofc is sold for just 20, and I thought I was safe by taking those ten bucks extra.) Hubby happily obliged and gave me just that, three ten buck notes.
I was dreaming about the frankie and went la la la to the eatout place to find to my utter disappointment that no frankie was less than 40 bucks!!! My inner self stopped my from going back to my hubby to ask for extra money. I wanted to act smart and check out in the line up of food stalls. There should be something that I can get for 30 bucks!! I went from one stall to other, my full concentration on the price side of each one's menu. To my sheer disappointment, all I could find for 30 bucks was Extra cheese and curd :( . I went to the last and final stall with least hope and my eyes sparkled on seeing this SET DOSA ............................ 30/-
wow! This was something, I could finally get something for 30 afterall! My happines really knew no bounds. I went to the bill counter and ordered confidently, One Set dosa pls and gave him the exact change, 30 rs. I really wish it ended there but there was one more twist in tale, that guy said 33/- madam including Tax. #$%$#%$^%$^$%&^%&%$#%#$%

I had no choice but to call my husband and tell him what happened. And then he came with that triumphant look( urhggggg) and that final kill dialogue " I was giving you 100 bucks".

Why on earth did I think that on a saturday evening, Mall's eatout place wouldnt have change for just 100 and why on earth would someone gimme a frankie for 30 bucks!!!


Anonymous said...

manaki salary cheppinappudu.. they will tell with tax.. number is big.. pocket loo ki vellae sariki chinna gha ayipothundhi....

Shop ki vellinappudu they show without tax.. manaki tax b-circle-ksquare-a.. all the time manakae --.

too much tax discussion kada!!! March end kada.. gundeloo baadha thannuku vasthundhi..

me said...

inthaki dosa tinnava... or frankie?

sorry.. naa concentration eppudu food medhe untundi.. intaki moral of the story adhe kada.. tinnama padukunnama tellarindhaa..

Jyo Girl said...

@Chaitu: Chala good point! Nenu waste laga Naresh vachaka kooda Dosa ne thinnanu :( I couldve royally had a frankie or something even better!shaa