Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why.. why I say?

It's really frustrating when you come face to face with your own weaknesses and even more frustrating when all your attempts at working on your weakness fail. How bad can it be to know what your problem is and still not able to work over it? very bad indeed!
One thing that's troubling me a lot these days is my weakness of not being able to delegate work. Not being able to take help from others even when its being readily offered. I want to do it all by myself even when I know I lack the energy and the time to do it. It really sounds weird but I don't like sharing work unless I reach a point where things go beyond my control. If I have started something, I wantto finish it by my own and someone else's interference(read HELP) upsets me :(
It's not that I didn't try, I did try n take help from others in doing something, but it doesn't give me the satisfaction I would've got if I did it on my own.
Am I alone or do I have company? Am I OK?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Uthuku, pindu aarey!

If I am asked to rate the most borest taks to do in life , managing clothes(washing, drying, ironing..) tops the list and if am asked to rate the most interesting things to do, shopping for clothes tops it!! Can someone please uncomplicate my lil life?

How I wish someone could make 'Use, throw and recycle' kind of dresses? That way we could wear new dress everyday and not even wash them! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy


Life's getting lil tougher.. increasing expenditures, diminishing income, increasing population.. very chaotic! I was little taken aback when I saw the weekly groceries bill, 1500 INR for veggies, and bare minimum groceries! How long can we last this way? There was a time when I thought that if we could somehow have savings of 1 Cr INR, we could easily retire and enjoy for the rest of life. But looking at the way things are going, we might have to work till the last day to continue living the way we live now.
I wonder how my domestic help is managing, she has 4 daughters , one of them married and divorced with a child, 3 yet to be married , husband who is a drunkard and only 2 earning people.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Info on Cervical cancer vaccination

OK this one is an FYI&A for all my friends.. friends, wives and sisters of friends

My doc had asked me to take the cervical cancer vaccination yesterday and this is the info I got from him and wanted to share with you all . I know there is loads of info available everywhere but just wanted to share whatever info I have

Currently they say all girls(yes , girls !) between the age of 14-24 must get this done as a prevention for cervical cancer. But women beyond 24 can also get this done.

Its a 3 dose vaccination spread across 6 months. 0 months- 2 months- 6 months. Each one costs 3250 INR. Its advisable not to plan for pregnancy during these 6 months.

Monday, February 8, 2010

3 mistakes that I learnt from!

I had to write this post to cherish this landmark even later :)

My baby is now in to her 6th month and we had to start giving her, her first solid food. cerelac for starters. I was pretty excited about it!

1) My first hurdle came when I was mixing the food, how thick or thin should it be? I used the dumb side of my brain and thought, its called solids, so it should be pretty solid :) [First mistake]

2) Second hurdle was the position in which I should feed her, again my dumb side knocked at me and I thought, we sit while we eat so she must also be sitting and I placed her in the bouncer and sat right in front of her. [Second mistake]

3) I don't know what I was thinking when I tried to feed her with the spoon, I kept the spoon near her mouth and expected her to take it in like we do! Obviously that didn't happen!! Again a knock knock and I had put a spoonful of cerelac in her mouth. [Third mistake]

After that, I was waiting for her reaction eagerly sitting pretty close to her. and there it was.. Bhurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. she spit out everything I had put in her mouth right on my face! cerelac facepack does'nt do much good to your skin!

And I learnt from my mistakes, thinner paste (solids doesn't literally mean SOLID!), babies can have food lying down, and small quantity each time results in a better experience and cleaner face and home :)